Sales Planning

As soon as you have your sales strategy completed (your roadmap), you then need to put in place your sales plan that will ensure you deliver on your strategy and deliver your sales numbers. StepChange will help you to develop a sales plan that will identify:

  • Which customers will be targeted to ensure you achieve your sales result
  • Who in your organisation will deliver the result
  • What activities your sales team will carry out to achieve the result
  • When the activities will be carried out
  • What supports are required by your sales team to achieve the result
  • Measures and reporting mechanisms to allow you to track progress and forecast confidently.

We’ll help you develop a plan that will be an all-encompassing sales approach for your business. Using your real, actual data in terms of actual customers, sales targets and your organisation’s people and resources available, we’ll help you develop a living plan for your business. This won’t be a theoretical workshop. This plan will help you to record, manage and review all of the information that is necessary for you to manage your sales organisation effectively. The plan will include:

  • The critical information necessary about each customer in order to maximise each individual customer opportunity.
  • An overview of each salesperson’s “book” of customers to identify an overall view of the activities required and a snapshot of their overall sales opportunity and progress.
  • A planning mechanism for sales activities on a weekly / monthly / annual basis.
  • A reporting mechanism to capture sales forecasts, roadblocks and future areas of opportunity.

The benefits for you are numerous. You will:

  • Take on your sales challenge with confidence as you see a structured route to success.
  • See sales progress at a customer, sales person and organisation level.
  • Have a mechanism to set clear, activity-based expectations of your sales team.
  • Have a mechanism for your sales team to plan their sales activity and for you to review their progress.
  • Have a mechanism for you and your team to review progress and modify the plan as the year evolves.
  • Give your sales team an opportunity to provide structured feedback to you, roadblocks in their way and supports that they need.
  • Give you a mechanism to identify areas of under-performance and manage tem accordingly.
  • Be in a position to provide sales forecasts for your organisation with confidence.

If you would like help with your sales planning, please give us a call!